New Series: Q&AI

In my PM coaching practice, I’ve found that one of the biggest challenges for our clients is knowing which questions to ask; this is especially true as the landscape of product management continues to evolve at breakneck speed.

Thankfully, one attribute of generative AI is that it’s never embarrassed to ask questions, even if those questions could potentially be perceived as dumb questions or irrelevant questions.

(As an aside, I firmly believe there are no dumb questions - always feel free to reach out to me with questions, I’m here to help!)

To help cover more topics in product, I’m excited to share that we’re launching “Q&AI,” a new series of product resources!

What’s Q&AI? Well, Q&AI is like Q&A (questions and answers), but with AI.

Here’s how it works: generative AI asks me questions about product management, and I address each question without the assistance of AI. Specifically, I’ll be leaning on LinkedIn’s AI prompts to ask me questions.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised by some of the insightful questions raised by generative AI. In fact, a good portion of our readers have proactively reached out to let me know how valuable it was for me to provide my perspective on these kinds of AI-driven questions.

At Product Teacher, we have always been dedicated to delivering top-notch educational resources to empower aspiring product managers, seasoned professionals, and product leaders alike. That’s why I firmly believe that Q&AI will be a valuable addition to our library of free resources.

Expanding Horizons with AI-Powered Questions

The knowledge needed to excel in product management is vast, with challenges and questions spanning a wide array of topics. AI brings a unique opportunity to generate thought-provoking prompts that cover an extensive range of subjects, going beyond the most conventional frequently-asked questions from product managers.

With Q&AI, we aim to harness the power of AI-generated questions to explore uncharted territories, providing insights and solutions to questions you might not have even thought to ask.

AI's Fearless Quest for Knowledge

AI is unapologetically curious. It doesn't shy away from asking the questions that people might sometimes hesitate to pose.

This fearless pursuit of knowledge is precisely what makes AI indispensable in our journey to demystify the complex discipline of product management.

Through Q&AI, we’ll embrace these unconventional lines of inquiry to provide evergreen resources for product professionals all over the world.

Bringing the Human Touch

While AI is adept at generating questions, it lacks the ability to share personal experiences, anecdotes, and the unique insights that only seasoned product leaders can provide.

That's where the human touch comes in.

In each installment of Q&AI, I’ll share my perspectives, battle-tested lessons, and real-world examples to complement these AI-generated questions. This step is fully human: no generative AI allowed in my answers!

Join Us on the Journey

We’re always down to test new initiatives, and we believe that Q&AI enables us to provide insights at an accelerated pace.

At Product Teacher, we're committed to staying at the forefront of product management education, and Q&AI is just the latest example of our dedication to your growth and success.

Together, let’s expand our horizons, ignite our curiosity, and excel in the world of product management.

With love,

P.S. Check out the section below to see all of the Q&AI topics we’ve tackled!

What We’ve Covered So Far

We’ll continue to keep this list of topics updated so that you have a central place to go. Don’t hesitate to keep this page bookmarked as a helpful resource.


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