Strengthening Product Sense through Generative AI

One of the highest-leverage skills that a product manager can cultivate is product sense: the ability to identify which product ideas are most likely to succeed, and the ability to verbalize the rationale for why they’ll likely succeed.

Product managers with strong product sense are able to unlock more value from their products, mitigate more risks, and reduce more costs. It’s no wonder why PM managers deeply value product sense in their PMs.

However, this poses a catch-22: product sense has traditionally been hard to cultivate without prior product management experience, yet most people aren’t given the chance to become PMs if they don’t yet have strong product sense.

Thankfully, with the rise of generative AI, we now have the ability to empower people to practice their product thinking and strengthen their product sense, even without prior PM experience.

Here’s why this wasn’t feasible in the past: without generative AI, product management exercises take a lot of time and effort.

Creating pre-mortems for our products, analyzing customer segments, crafting product one-pagers, writing mock marketing materials, etc. used to take hours and hours to complete a first draft, let alone a polished deliverable.

But now, generative AI can accelerate this iteration time and enables us as PMs to explore many more scenarios and to better hone our product sense without us needing to write “low value words.”

That said, a word of caution: generative AI is not foolproof. Every PM should seriously question the responses that come back from their prompts.

However, even with that caveat in mind, PMs should consider using generative AI to quickly break through blank page syndrome and rapidly iterate through different angles for their product proposals.

In other words, while we’ll still need to view the output of generative AI with a critical eye, we no longer need to struggle through writing every word ourselves. 

In this in-depth guide, I discuss how to leverage generative AI to strengthen product sense. First, I break down product sense into its eight fundamental components. I then provide a brief overview of what generative AI is, and I discuss its potential as well as its pitfalls. Afterwards, I walk through two product management exercises leveraging generative AI. 

What is product sense?

Many product leaders have broken down product sense in a variety of ways:

  • Jules Walter defines product sense as “the overlap between empathy and creativity”

  • Shreyas Doshi defines product sense as “cognitive empathy, domain knowledge, and creativity”

  • Jackie Bavaro defines product sense as “understanding business goals & customer goals and finding opportunities to better serve those goals”

  • Paul Adams defines product sense as “repeated in-depth observation and direct interaction with customers who use your product”

While these mental models are a helpful starting point, they can still be somewhat vague for early-career PMs.

In our coaching practice, we’ve found that breaking down product sense into the following eight components has been the most helpful & actionable for our clients:

  1. Customer segments: Which customer segments exist? Which segment is the most valuable to focus on?

  2. Pains: What kinds of pains will customers likely have? Where are there unmet needs?

  3. Competitors and substitutes: What are customers already using? How well do these solutions solve their pains?

  4. Workflow: What new user behaviors am I proposing? How easy or difficult will these behaviors be for our customer segment to adopt?

  5. Frictions: What are the potential things that might confuse people or slow them down?

  6. Desirability: How will our targeted customer segment likely feel about our solution?

  7. Positioning: How should we market our product to our targeted customer segment?

  8. Return on investment: How much value will our solution yield, how much will it cost, and how long will it take to pay off?

By learning to answer each of the eight questions above for a variety of products, we find that product managers can swiftly deepen their product sense.

Keep in mind that each of these questions builds on the question before; you shouldn’t try to improve your “ROI product sense” if you don’t yet have a strong grasp of “customer segment product sense.”

Problematically, many product managers think that product sense is all about being a product visionary. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Product sense is all about using first principles and using your own experiences as an end user to inform your product proposals.

When you see an experienced PM rapidly identify the areas of improvement of an existing product or quickly assess the viability of a product idea, they’re running through the eight components above.

Because they’ve done it so many times, their product sense looks like instinct, causing people to conclude that product sense is an innate trait and not something that can be trained.

But, consider lawyers. Lawyers can quickly identify the key components of a contract because they’ve had so much repeated exposure with contracts; there’s no such thing as “innate contract sense” that people are born with.

Similarly, due to sheer exposure, experienced PMs can pull off product sense in a way that feels innate, but that shouldn’t stop you from learning product sense yourself. By approaching product sense methodically, you can quickly improve.

Now, let’s discuss what generative AI is, and why it can help accelerate product sense.

What is generative AI?

Generative AI (commonly shortened as “gen AI”) refers to artificial intelligence systems that are designed to learn and mimic patterns from large datasets and then generate new outputs based on those patterns.

These AIs are trained on billions of data points to understand the underlying patterns and structures present in the data. During the training phase, the model learns to capture the statistical relationships and dependencies in the training data, enabling it to generate realistic outputs.

In popular conversation, gen AI typically refers to one of three systems: OpenAI GPT-4, Amazon Bedrock, and Google Bard.

Generative AI isn’t magical, even though the results may appear to be magical. These systems simply predict which words will likely come next, based on its analysis on millions of pieces of literature.

In other words, generative AI models do not possess conscious understanding or intentions. They don't have an inherent understanding of the content they generate. The outputs are purely based on learned statistical patterns and probabilities from the training data.

That means that you need to be careful with the responses it provides! Sometimes, the response will sound very confident, but the details are entirely incorrect. For example, if you ask a generative AI model to add 4 numbers together (e.g. 253 + 219 + 842 + 13), it will likely give you the wrong answer (e.g. 1123 from the AI instead of 1327 as the actual answer).

Furthermore, we should never ask generative AI models to make decisions on our behalf, as these models have no innate reasoning capabilities. The goal of using generative AI is to quickly explore new ideas (i.e. divergent exploration) and not to decide how our products should be built (i.e. convergent decision-making).

Now that we understand what generative AI is, we can thoughtfully wield these powerful tools to accelerate our product sense. Specifically, let’s discuss the two key exercises that product managers use to build product sense, and let’s dive into how to use generative AI to rapidly iterate through these exercises.

The two key exercises to build product sense

Product managers hone their product sense in two main ways: analyzing other people’s products (a.k.a. product teardowns), and crafting their own product specs.

In both exercises, they walk through all eight product sense components above to identify the strengths and areas of improvement for each product idea.

While there are many other product management exercises like retrospectives, sprint planning, and setting OKRs, these don’t hone product sense quite as quickly as the two above because they don’t touch all eight components of product sense. 

Now that we know that product teardowns and product specs are the fastest way to build our product sense muscles, let’s discuss how to do each one below by leveraging generative AI.

Practicing product teardowns through generative AI

In the past, conducting a product teardown could easily take at least 1-3 weeks to complete. But, using generative AI, we can complete this exercise within 1-3 hours. I’ll show you how below.

Let’s jointly tackle a product teardown for Hinge, a popular dating app. The goal of our teardown is to identify where Hinge could further improve its product by shipping a new feature.

I’ll start this exercise by covering product context to make sure that we’re tackling the right product. Then, we’ll run through each of the eight components of product sense: customer segments, pains, competitors, workflow, frictions, desirability, positioning, and ROI. 

For each component, I’ll provide three things: a prompt to submit to our generative AI model, an example response that we might get back from a generative AI model, and the action items that you should take based on that response. Responses typically take the form of multiple paragraphs - so, if you’re interested in the response for each prompt, be sure to tap the arrow to expand the response.

As an aside, if you’d like us to run a custom product teardown with generative AI, just reach out for coaching and we’d be more than happy to help. 

Product context

Prompt: For someone who's never used Hinge (a dating app) before, explain what Hinge is to them. Limit your response to 200 words or less.

  • Hinge is a dating app that helps people connect based on shared interests and compatibility. Unlike other apps, Hinge encourages users to create more detailed profiles by showcasing their personality, hobbies, and preferences. It provides conversation starters related to users' profiles, promoting meaningful interactions. Instead of mindlessly swiping, users can like or comment on specific parts of someone's profile to express interest. If both users express interest, it's a match, and they can message each other within the app. Hinge aims to facilitate genuine connections by focusing on common interests and values rather than just physical attraction. It's designed to help individuals meet new people, engage in meaningful conversations, and potentially find romantic partners.

Action item: Check to see if this response actually aligns with your knowledge of the product. Sometimes, generative AI might accidentally confuse the product with a different product entirely, or it might make up features that don’t actually exist.

Be sure to compare its response vs. the actual user experience of the product. To help guide a more accurate response, you can add additional details about the product in your prompt.

Customer segments

Prompt: Which customer segments are most likely to use Hinge, and why?

  • Hinge is designed to appeal to a broad range of customer segments, but there are a few key demographics that are more likely to use the app:

    1. Young Professionals: Hinge tends to attract young professionals in their 20s and 30s who are seeking meaningful relationships. These individuals often have busy lifestyles, career aspirations, and limited time for traditional dating methods. Hinge's emphasis on detailed profiles and conversation starters aligns well with their desire for quality connections.

    2. Relationship Seekers: Hinge appeals to individuals who are actively seeking long-term relationships or committed partnerships. The app's focus on shared interests and compatibility helps attract those looking for deeper connections rather than casual encounters.

    3. Urban Dwellers: Hinge is popular among people living in urban areas, where the dating pool can be vast but also overwhelming. In cities, individuals may face challenges in meeting new people organically, and Hinge provides a convenient and efficient way to connect with like-minded individuals in their vicinity.

    4. Socially Conscious Individuals: Hinge's approach to dating resonates with those who value shared values and interests. People who prioritize compatibility based on beliefs, causes, or lifestyle choices are more likely to gravitate towards Hinge's focus on building meaningful connections beyond surface-level attraction.

    5. Technology-Savvy Individuals: Given that Hinge is a dating app, it naturally attracts users who are comfortable with technology and mobile apps. People who are accustomed to online interactions and have an affinity for digital platforms are more inclined to try out Hinge as a means of meeting potential partners.

Prompt: Which customer segments are least likely to use Hinge, and why?

  • While Hinge appeals to a wide range of users, there are some customer segments that may be less likely to use the app:

    1. Casual Daters/Hookup Seekers: Hinge's emphasis on meaningful connections and long-term relationships may deter individuals who are primarily looking for casual dating or hookups. Other dating apps with a more casual focus might be more appealing to this customer segment.

    2. Older Demographic: Hinge's user base is generally skewed towards younger individuals in their 20s and 30s. Older demographics, such as those in their 40s or older, may be less likely to use Hinge, as they might prefer dating platforms or methods that align more with their age group.

    3. Rural Areas: Hinge's popularity is stronger in urban areas where there is a larger pool of potential matches. In rural areas with smaller populations, the user base may be limited, making it less appealing to individuals residing in these regions.

    4. Technologically Challenged Individuals: Hinge is a mobile app that relies on smartphone usage, so individuals who are less comfortable or experienced with technology may be less likely to use it. Some people may prefer more traditional methods of dating or have limited access to smartphones and reliable internet connections.

    5. Non-English Speakers: Hinge primarily operates in English, which may limit its appeal to non-English speakers or individuals who prefer dating apps available in their native language. The app's user experience and interface may not be optimized for languages other than English, which can be a barrier for certain customer segments.

Action item: See if you agree with each of the analyses. For each proposed customer segment, back them up using customer testimonials, user reviews, and marketing materials. 

Now that you have an overarching view of viable customer segments, your next step as a product manager is to prioritize customer segments.

Decide whether you’re going to dive deeper into a customer segment that is already using the product, or whether you’re going to go after a new customer segment that isn’t currently using the product. Remember, AI cannot make this decision for you!

For the sake of this exercise, I’m going to focus on an existing customer segment: Relationship Seekers.


Prompt: Let's focus on "relationship seeker" users. What methods or processes do these people typically use to find relationships, and why?

  • Relationship seekers use various methods and processes to find meaningful partnerships. Here are some common approaches.

    Social Circles: Many relationship seekers rely on their existing social circles, such as friends, colleagues, or acquaintances, to meet potential partners. This method offers a sense of familiarity and trust, as individuals are introduced to others through mutual connections.

    Networking Events and Activities: Relationship seekers often participate in activities or events aligned with their interests, hobbies, or professional fields. These venues provide opportunities to meet like-minded individuals who share similar passions and values.

    Online Dating Apps: Increasingly, relationship seekers turn to online dating apps, like Hinge, as a convenient and efficient way to meet potential partners. Dating apps expand the pool of potential matches beyond one's immediate social circle and provide access to a larger and more diverse group of people.

    Matchmaking Services: Some relationship seekers opt for matchmaking services, where professionals help identify compatible partners based on personal preferences, values, and compatibility assessments. These services offer personalized and curated introductions, taking into account the individual's specific relationship goals.

    Social and Community Events: Relationship seekers may engage in social or community events, such as meetups, hobby groups, or volunteer activities. These settings provide opportunities to meet individuals who share common interests and values while engaging in shared experiences.

    Personal Referrals: Individuals often rely on personal referrals from trusted friends or family members who may have knowledge of potential matches. These referrals carry a level of assurance and compatibility, as they come from people who know both parties well.

    The methods and processes used by relationship seekers aim to increase the likelihood of finding compatible partners who align with their values, interests, and long-term relationship goals. These approaches provide opportunities for meaningful connections and shared experiences that can lead to lasting relationships.

Prompt: Let's focus on "relationship seeker" users. What kinds of pain points, problems, or frictions might they run into when they use their current methods, and why?

  • Relationship seekers using traditional methods may encounter several pain points, problems, or frictions:

    Limited Pool of Options: Reliance on social circles or personal referrals can result in a limited pool of potential partners. This can be especially challenging for individuals living in smaller communities or having a small social network, reducing the chances of finding compatible matches.

    Time and Effort: Traditional methods often require a significant investment of time and effort. It can be time-consuming to attend social events, participate in activities, or rely on personal referrals, all while juggling other responsibilities and commitments.

    Lack of Compatibility: In social circles or networking events, individuals may find it challenging to meet someone who shares their specific values, interests, or relationship goals. The compatibility factor may not be readily apparent, leading to potential mismatches or time wasted on incompatible connections.

    Limited Reach: Traditional methods have geographic limitations. For example, social circles and local events primarily introduce individuals to people within a specific area. This can be problematic for those seeking a broader range of potential partners or for those living in areas with limited dating prospects.

    Inefficient Screening Process: The traditional approach often lacks efficient screening mechanisms. It may be difficult to ascertain someone's compatibility or intentions from brief interactions or personal referrals, leading to uncertainty and potentially disappointing experiences.

    Difficulty Expressing Intent: In some social settings, expressing romantic interest can be challenging or awkward, leading to missed opportunities or confusion. Unclear signals or fear of rejection may hinder individuals from making their intentions known.

    These pain points highlight the limitations of traditional methods in terms of expanding the dating pool, efficiency, and clarity in the search for compatible partners. This is where online dating apps like Hinge come in, offering a more convenient, efficient, and accessible platform to overcome these challenges.

Prompt: Let's continue to focus on "serious relationship seeker" users. What kinds of pain points, problems, or frictions might they run into when they use dating apps specifically, and why?

  • Serious relationship seekers using dating apps may encounter several pain points, problems, or frictions:

    Superficial Interactions: Some dating apps place a heavy emphasis on appearance and superficial attraction, which can be a challenge for serious relationship seekers looking for deeper connections. Shallow interactions and a focus on physical appearance may hinder the ability to assess compatibility based on shared values and interests.

    Misrepresentation and Catfishing: Online dating apps can expose users to the risk of encountering fake profiles or individuals misrepresenting themselves. This can lead to disappointment, wasted time, and emotional investment in connections that turn out to be misleading or insincere.

    Overwhelming Choices: Dating apps often provide a vast number of potential matches, which can be overwhelming for serious relationship seekers. Sorting through numerous profiles and messages can be time-consuming and mentally exhausting, making it difficult to focus on meaningful connections.

    Limited Context: Online platforms lack the context and nuances of real-life interactions. Non-verbal cues, body language, and the overall chemistry that can be observed in face-to-face encounters may be absent, making it challenging to assess compatibility and connection solely based on digital interactions.

    Communication Challenges: Some users may face difficulties in maintaining meaningful conversations on dating apps. There may be instances of ghosting (sudden discontinuation of communication) or shallow, generic messages that hinder the development of deeper connections.

    Privacy and Safety Concerns: Dating apps require users to share personal information and engage in conversations with strangers, which can raise privacy and safety concerns. Users may be cautious about sharing sensitive details or meeting people in person due to potential risks.

    Serious relationship seekers using dating apps often strive to navigate these challenges to find genuine connections that align with their long-term goals. It is important for dating apps to address these pain points by providing features and mechanisms that prioritize meaningful interactions, user safety, and accurate representation to foster a positive and effective dating experience.

Action item: Run through the product and check to see if these pain points are real or not. As you run through the product, identify whether there are other pain points that the response may have missed. 

Now we have a targeted customer segment, and we have a set of pain points that these customers experience. Let’s now observe which kinds of competing solutions they currently use today, and where there might be gaps that we can execute against.


Prompt: Let's continue to focus on "serious relationship seeker" users. What are the most common dating apps that they use today, and why?

  • The most common dating apps used by serious relationship seekers today include:

    Hinge: Hinge is often favored by serious relationship seekers due to its focus on meaningful connections and compatibility. Its profile prompts and conversation starters encourage users to showcase their personality and interests beyond just appearance. Hinge's algorithm aims to match individuals based on shared values, making it popular among those looking for long-term relationships.

    eHarmony: eHarmony is known for its extensive compatibility matching system. It requires users to complete a detailed questionnaire, which helps identify potential matches based on personality traits, values, and relationship preferences. eHarmony's algorithmic approach appeals to serious relationship seekers seeking compatibility and lasting connections. is one of the oldest and most established dating platforms, attracting serious relationship seekers who value a large user base and a wide range of features. It offers advanced search filters, allowing users to specify their preferences and find matches based on specific criteria. also offers personalized matchmaking services for those seeking more tailored assistance.

    OkCupid: OkCupid combines traditional profile browsing with algorithm-based matching. It offers a range of questions and prompts to gauge compatibility, interests, and values. OkCupid's inclusive approach attracts serious relationship seekers seeking meaningful connections while allowing for more flexibility in the matching process.

    Coffee Meets Bagel: Coffee Meets Bagel (CMB) takes a more curated approach by providing a limited number of matches, known as "bagels," each day. CMB focuses on quality over quantity, appealing to serious relationship seekers who prefer a more curated and intentional dating experience. The app emphasizes getting to know potential matches before deciding to connect.

    These dating apps are popular among serious relationship seekers because they prioritize compatibility, meaningful connections, and long-term relationships. They offer features and algorithms that align with the goals of individuals seeking committed partnerships, helping them find like-minded individuals and fostering deeper connections.

Prompt: Say that we wanted to get one of these individuals to switch away from their current dating app, and get them to use our dating app. How would we convince them to switch? Why do these things matter to them?

  • To convince serious relationship seekers to switch from their current dating app to a new one, it is crucial to address their pain points and offer compelling reasons for the switch. Here's how you can convince them:

    Emphasize Meaningful Connections: Highlight how your dating app focuses on fostering genuine connections based on shared values, interests, and compatibility. Explain that your app provides a more in-depth profile structure, detailed prompts, and conversation starters that enable users to showcase their personality and find like-minded individuals. By emphasizing the importance of meaningful connections, you can attract serious relationship seekers who value compatibility.

    Enhanced Compatibility Algorithms: Showcase advanced matching algorithms or compatibility systems that your dating app employs. Explain how your app uses sophisticated algorithms to match users based on their preferences, values, and relationship goals. By emphasizing accurate and tailored matches, you can provide serious relationship seekers with higher chances of finding compatible partners, saving them time and effort in the search process.

    Success Stories/Testimonials: Share success stories or testimonials from users who have found meaningful relationships through your app. This can instill confidence in serious relationship seekers that your platform has a track record of facilitating successful, long-term connections. Authentic stories of real users finding love can inspire trust and encourage individuals to switch to your app.

    User Experience and Ease of Use: Highlight the user-friendly interface, intuitive design, and seamless user experience of your app. Serious relationship seekers appreciate a smooth and hassle-free experience that allows them to focus on making connections rather than grappling with complex features. Emphasize features such as efficient messaging, easy profile setup, and navigation that enhance the overall user experience.

    Safety and Privacy: Address the concerns around safety and privacy that serious relationship seekers may have. Explain the robust security measures, verification processes, and privacy settings in place on your app to protect user information and ensure a secure dating environment. Assure them that their personal data will be handled with care and not shared with third parties.

    By addressing the specific pain points and desires of serious relationship seekers, such as meaningful connections, compatibility, user experience, and safety, you can convince them to switch to your dating app. Demonstrating how your app offers a superior solution to their current challenges will make them more likely to consider the switch.

Action item: Double check to see whether the identified competitors are correct. Identify any other missed competitors by using Google Search for “[product] competitors” and “[product] alternatives.”

Now that we understand what our targeted customers are using today, we’re going to take the next step and propose a new workflow within our product to solve a specific customer pain.

For this exercise, let’s say I want to solve the pain of “limited context” to decide whether to pursue a romantic relationship. To solve this pain, I propose a new feature: let people be able to share videos of themselves on their profile, rather than just words and pictures.


Prompt: As a product manager, I want to address the problem of “limited context” on potential romantic partners. I think giving people the ability to see videos of each other is a good way to address this context problem. How much of this “limited context” pain can I solve by providing a way for people to connect through video, and not just text or pictures?

  • Introducing the ability for people to connect through video in addition to text and pictures can significantly address the problem of "limited context" in assessing potential romantic partners. By incorporating videos, you can provide users with a more holistic and dynamic view of individuals, allowing them to gather additional information and form a deeper understanding of someone's personality, mannerisms, and communication style. Here's how it can help alleviate the pain of limited context:

    Non-Verbal Cues and Body Language: Video enables the conveyance of non-verbal cues and body language, which are essential elements of human communication. Users can observe facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice, providing valuable contextual information that is often lost in text-based interactions. This helps users gauge compatibility, emotional connection, and overall chemistry more accurately.

    Authenticity and Transparency: Video allows individuals to showcase their authentic selves in a more genuine and unfiltered manner. Users can get a glimpse into someone's daily life, hobbies, interests, and even their living environment. This added context helps build trust, as it enables users to assess if someone's online persona aligns with their real-life personality and lifestyle.

    Enhanced Communication and Connection: Videos provide a richer means of communication, allowing users to convey emotions, share experiences, and engage in more interactive conversations. This enhanced form of connection facilitates a deeper understanding of potential partners and fosters more meaningful interactions compared to static text or images. Users can build stronger connections and establish shared interests more effectively.

    While introducing video can significantly alleviate the pain of limited context, it's important to note that it may not completely eliminate all challenges. Users still need to exercise caution and apply critical thinking while interpreting videos. Context can be subjective, and individuals may choose to present themselves in specific ways. Additionally, video alone may not capture the entirety of a person's character or their long-term compatibility.

    By integrating video into your platform, you provide users with a valuable tool to gather more context and make more informed decisions about potential romantic partners. It enhances the overall user experience, facilitates deeper connections, and addresses the pain points associated with limited context in the dating process.

Prompt: As a product manager, I’m considering launching a new feature within my dating app for serious relationship seekers. I would like to give users the ability to add short videos of themselves to their profiles, not just text and photos. How easy or hard would this feature be for a current user to adopt? And, how easy or hard would this feature be for a new user to adopt?

  • Adding the ability for users to add short videos to their dating profiles can be a valuable feature for your app, especially for serious relationship seekers. Let's assess the ease of adoption for both current and new users.

    For Current Users:

    Familiarity with the App: Current users who are already familiar with navigating and using the dating app will likely find it relatively easy to adopt the new feature. They are accustomed to the platform's interface and have an understanding of how to update their profiles. Introducing the video feature would require them to learn the new process but should not present significant challenges.

    Learning Curve: Depending on the complexity of the video upload process, current users may need to understand the guidelines, video length limits, and any editing options available. Providing clear instructions and intuitive user interfaces can help minimize the learning curve and make the adoption process smoother.

    Technical Requirements: Users will need to ensure their devices have the necessary capabilities (camera, storage, etc.) to record and upload videos. If the technical requirements are within the normal range of their devices, adopting the video feature should be relatively straightforward.

    For New Users:

    Onboarding and Guidance: New users will need clear onboarding and guidance to understand how to use the video feature from the start. Incorporating a tutorial or walkthrough during the initial setup process can help them understand how to create and upload videos effectively.

    User Education: Providing clear instructions and prompts within the app can educate new users on the benefits and best practices of utilizing videos in their profiles. Highlighting the added value of videos in attracting meaningful connections can encourage their adoption.

    Technical Accessibility: Ensure that the video feature is compatible with a wide range of devices and operating systems. Consider offering alternative options for users with older or less capable devices, such as uploading pre-recorded videos or utilizing video integrations from popular platforms like YouTube or TikTok.

    Overall, while there may be a learning curve and technical considerations, incorporating short videos into dating profiles can enhance the user experience and attract both current and new users. With proper guidance, education, and user-friendly interfaces, the feature should be relatively easy for users to adopt, contributing to increased engagement and satisfaction within the app.

Action item: On a piece of paper, sketch out a couple of different workflows for your proposed product. These sketches don’t need to be pixel-perfect, as your goal is to explore a variety of design approaches to solving customer pain.

Then, compare your sketches against the responses above. For each challenge identified, how would you account for it by changing the workflow? 

And remember, the responses are not necessarily accurate. Are some of these points overblown? Are there missing points?

Now it’s time to dig deeper and determine where our customer segment might run into issues with our proposed workflow.


Prompt: Play devil's advocate. What are some reasons why my users may not want me to launch this video feature for user profiles?

  • When considering the perspectives of your users, here are some potential reasons why they may not want you to launch the video feature for user profiles:

    Privacy Concerns: Users might be concerned about their privacy and personal information being more exposed with video uploads. They may prefer to maintain a certain level of anonymity or control over the content they share, and videos could feel more intrusive or revealing than photos or text.

    Insecurity and Pressure: Users may feel insecure about their appearance or camera presence, leading to heightened anxiety and pressure to create engaging or attractive videos. Some individuals may lack confidence in front of the camera and may not want to be judged solely based on their video presentation.

    Time and Effort: Users might perceive creating and uploading videos as time-consuming and requiring more effort compared to uploading photos or writing a bio. It may feel like an additional burden, especially for those who already find it challenging to invest significant time in dating app interactions.

    Bandwidth and Data Limitations: Users with limited data plans or in areas with poor internet connectivity may be concerned about the increased data usage and potential impact on their bandwidth. Videos can consume more data compared to photos or text, which could be a limitation for some users.

    Superficial Judgments: Users may worry that the introduction of videos could reinforce a culture of superficial judgments based on appearance, leading to increased emphasis on physical attractiveness rather than compatibility and shared values. They may prefer a more text-based approach that allows them to focus on personality and common interests.

    Compatibility and Content Filtering: Users might be concerned about encountering inappropriate or offensive videos from other users. They may worry about the effectiveness of content filtering and moderation systems, and the potential exposure to unwanted or explicit content.

Prompt: Write an investment analyst report on our “video snippets” feature that identifies key weaknesses of our product that competitors might take advantage of.

  • [Your Company Name]

    Investment Analyst Report: "Video Snippets" Feature Analysis

    Date: [Date]

    Executive Summary:

    This investment analyst report provides an analysis of the "Video Snippets" feature developed by [Your Company Name]. The report identifies key weaknesses that competitors might take advantage of and evaluates the potential impact on the product's market position and competitive landscape.


    a) Late Market Entry: Competitors who have already established video features or similar functionalities may have gained a head start in terms of user adoption and experience. The delay in launching the "Video Snippets" feature may pose challenges in capturing market share and convincing users to switch from established platforms.

    b) User Experience and Performance: Any weaknesses in the user experience, such as slow video loading, buffering, or technical glitches, could deter users and lead to a poor overall product experience. Competitors with seamless video playback and exceptional user experience may have an advantage in attracting and retaining users.

    c) Moderation and Content Management: Ensuring effective moderation and content management of video snippets is crucial. Competitors who have implemented robust content moderation systems, minimizing the presence of inappropriate or offensive content, may have a stronger reputation for user safety and trust.

    Competitor Advantage:

    a) Established User Base: Competitors with an established and loyal user base may have an advantage in encouraging their users to adopt their own video features. These platforms can leverage their existing user network and seamlessly integrate video capabilities, making it easier to drive adoption and engagement.

    b) Strong Brand Recognition: Competitors with well-known brands in the dating app market may have a competitive edge. Users tend to gravitate toward brands they are familiar with and trust, which could make it more challenging for [Your Company Name] to capture significant market share and user attention.

    c) Innovation and Differentiation: Competitors who have continuously introduced innovative features and differentiated themselves in the market may have an advantage in attracting serious relationship seekers. If they have already incorporated unique video-related functionalities or have a strong pipeline of new features, they could maintain a competitive edge.

    Mitigation Strategies:

    a) Superior User Experience: [Your Company Name] should prioritize delivering a seamless and exceptional user experience for the video snippets feature. By investing in performance optimization, fast video loading, and intuitive user interfaces, [Your Company Name] can differentiate itself from competitors and attract users seeking a superior experience.

    b) Robust Content Moderation: Implementing an effective content moderation system is essential. [Your Company Name] should ensure that video snippets are monitored proactively to minimize inappropriate content and maintain a safe and positive user environment. Leveraging AI-powered moderation tools and a dedicated moderation team can strengthen user trust.

    c) Strategic Partnerships and Marketing: Collaborating with influencers, key opinion leaders, or dating experts can help raise awareness and drive adoption of the "Video Snippets" feature. Additionally, targeted marketing campaigns highlighting the unique benefits and value of video snippets can help differentiate [Your Company Name] and increase user interest.


    While the "Video Snippets" feature presents an exciting opportunity for [Your Company Name], it is important to address potential weaknesses that competitors might leverage. By focusing on superior user experience, robust content moderation, and strategic partnerships, [Your Company Name] can mitigate these weaknesses and position itself as a strong contender in the competitive dating app market.

    Disclaimer: This report is based on our analysis and opinion and should not be considered as financial advice. Investors should conduct their own due diligence and consult with financial professionals before making investment decisions.


    [Your Name]

    [Your Title/Designation]

    [Your Company Name]

Action item: Identify whether you agree with these concerns or not. Then, weigh each negative against the potential benefit that your proposed feature would unlock.

As a product manager, it’s up to you to decide whether this feature still makes sense to pursue. No generative AI response will help you make this kind of decision.

Assuming that we decide to move forward with this feature, let’s look for ways to enhance the desirability of our functionality for our targeted customers.


Prompt: Say we move forward with launching a video feature for user profiles in our dating app. What is the most likely reaction from our current users & customers, and why?

  • The most likely reaction from your current users and customers upon launching a video feature for user profiles in your dating app would depend on several factors. Here are some potential reactions you may anticipate:

    Excitement and Engagement: Many users who are already active and engaged with your dating app may welcome the addition of the video feature. They may see it as an exciting opportunity to enhance their profiles, express themselves more authentically, and potentially increase their chances of making meaningful connections.

    Curiosity and Adoption: Some users may be curious to explore the new feature and its capabilities. They may be eager to see how others are utilizing videos and may be motivated to add videos to their own profiles to stand out and attract potential matches. This can lead to increased adoption and usage of the feature.

    Appreciation for Enhanced Experience: Users who value the ability to express themselves visually may appreciate the video feature as it adds a new dimension to their profiles. They may see it as a valuable tool for showcasing their personality, hobbies, or talents, allowing them to make a stronger connection with potential matches.

    Request for Guidelines and Privacy Controls: With the introduction of videos, users may also express a need for clear guidelines and privacy controls. They may seek reassurance that their videos will be moderated effectively to maintain a safe and respectful environment within the app. Providing transparent guidelines and robust privacy settings can address these concerns.

    Initial Resistance or Caution: Some users might initially resist or approach the new video feature with caution. They may have concerns about privacy, potential misuse, or the emphasis on visual appearances. Addressing these concerns through communication, education, and user support can help alleviate any reservations they may have.

    It's important to actively communicate the introduction of the video feature to your user base, explaining its benefits, offering guidance on usage, and seeking feedback to continuously improve the feature based on user experiences. By proactively addressing concerns and ensuring a positive user experience, you can foster a positive reaction and encourage user engagement and adoption of the video feature.

Prompt: How could we make this feature even more desirable for our users & customers?

  • To make the video feature even more desirable for your users and customers, consider implementing the following strategies:

    Seamless User Experience: Focus on creating a seamless and user-friendly experience for incorporating videos into profiles. Streamline the video uploading process, ensure fast loading times, and optimize video playback within the app. A smooth and intuitive user experience will enhance user satisfaction and encourage greater adoption.

    Video Editing and Enhancements: Provide users with simple video editing tools within the app. Basic features such as trimming, adding captions, or applying filters can empower users to present their videos in a more polished and engaging manner. Offering these editing options can make the feature more appealing and enjoyable for users.

    Privacy and Control: Place a strong emphasis on privacy and control for users' video content. Implement robust privacy settings that allow users to choose who can view their videos, whether it's everyone, only matched users, or specific privacy tiers. Empower users to manage their video content and provide options for video removal or temporary hiding.

    Highlight Success Stories: Share success stories of users who found meaningful connections through the video feature. These testimonials can serve as social proof and inspiration for other users, showcasing the potential benefits and positive outcomes of incorporating videos into profiles.

    Incorporate Video Discovery: Introduce features that facilitate video discovery and exploration. For example, implement a video browsing section where users can discover and engage with videos from other users based on shared interests, location, or compatibility. This can enhance user engagement, encourage more interaction, and foster connections beyond traditional profile browsing.

    Community Guidelines and Reporting: Clearly communicate community guidelines regarding appropriate video content and behavior within the app. Encourage users to report any videos that violate these guidelines, ensuring a safe and respectful environment. Promptly review and address reported videos to maintain user trust and confidence in the app's moderation efforts.

    Continuous Improvement and User Feedback: Actively seek user feedback and suggestions regarding the video feature. Regularly update and enhance the feature based on user input, addressing any pain points or limitations. Demonstrating a commitment to improving the feature based on user needs will increase user satisfaction and engagement.

    By implementing these strategies, you can make the video feature even more desirable for your users and customers. Providing a seamless user experience, emphasizing privacy and control, showcasing success stories, and incorporating user feedback will enhance the overall value and appeal of the feature within your dating app.

Prompt: Identify three ways in which this product might fail to gain traction with our users.

  • While the "Video Snippets" feature holds potential, it's important to consider potential reasons why it might fail to gain traction with users. Here are three ways in which the product could face challenges:

    User Adoption Hurdles: Users may face difficulties or resistance when adopting the video snippets feature. Some users may be hesitant to record and upload videos due to privacy concerns, lack of comfort in front of the camera, or a preference for more traditional profile presentation methods. Without addressing these barriers, user adoption may be limited.

    Technical Limitations: Technical challenges could hinder the successful implementation and usage of the video snippets feature. Issues such as slow video loading times, compatibility issues with different devices and operating systems, or insufficient bandwidth for smooth video playback can frustrate users and negatively impact their experience. These technical limitations could result in users abandoning the feature or seeking alternatives.

    Lack of Value Differentiation: If the video snippets feature does not provide significant value differentiation compared to existing or competing dating apps, users may not see a compelling reason to adopt or continue using the feature. If the feature fails to offer a unique and meaningful experience that enhances their ability to make connections, users may perceive it as a superfluous addition rather than an essential component of their dating journey.

    To mitigate these challenges and increase the likelihood of user traction, it is essential to address user concerns, optimize the technical performance of the feature, and ensure that the video snippets provide a clear value proposition that aligns with user needs and desires. Continuous monitoring of user feedback, data analysis, and iteration based on user insights will be vital to refining the feature and maximizing its appeal to users.

Action item: Evaluate these suggestions and determine which ones make sense in the specific context of our product. 

As an example, “video discovery” doesn’t make sense in the context of a dating app. The goal of our users is not to become the next Instagram influencer or TikTok star! They’re probably not interested in broadcasting their personal video responses to a large group of strangers.

Our customers want to connect with each other more easily and determine whether they’re interested in mutually pursuing a long term relationship together. We should use this filter to think through how to further increase the desirability of our product.

Now that we have a product that solves pain for customers and is something that they’re highly likely to use, our next step is to position our product to the market. After all, people need to find out about your product to use it!


Prompt: In preparation for our upcoming launch of "video snippets on user profiles" for our dating app, write a press release.

  • Introducing an Exciting New Feature: Video Snippets on User Profiles in [Dating App Name]

    [CITY, DATE] - [Dating App Name], a leading platform for meaningful connections, is thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of an innovative new feature: video snippets on user profiles. This exciting addition aims to revolutionize the way users express themselves and connect with potential partners within the app.

    With the introduction of video snippets, [Dating App Name] provides users with an immersive and dynamic way to showcase their personality, interests, and unique charm. By incorporating short videos into user profiles, individuals can create a more vibrant and engaging representation of themselves, leading to deeper connections and more meaningful conversations.

    The video snippets feature empowers users to go beyond static photos and text, capturing genuine moments and allowing their authentic selves to shine. Whether sharing snippets of a favorite hobby, a recent adventure, or a glimpse into their day-to-day life, users can now present a more comprehensive picture of who they are and what they value.

    "We are excited to launch the video snippets feature, as it aligns with our commitment to helping our users build genuine connections based on shared interests and compatibility," said [Spokesperson], [Title] at [Dating App Name]. "By introducing videos, we believe users will have an enhanced platform to express themselves, foster deeper connections, and find more meaningful relationships."

    To ensure privacy and control, [Dating App Name] has implemented robust privacy settings, allowing users to choose who can view their video snippets. Users have full control over their content, deciding whether to share videos with everyone or only with matched individuals, granting them a sense of security and comfort in their online dating experience.

    The video snippets feature is the latest in a series of updates and enhancements that [Dating App Name] has introduced to provide a seamless and enriching user experience. It complements the app's existing features, including detailed profiles, conversation starters, and advanced matching algorithms, all of which contribute to a more authentic and effective approach to online dating.

    The video snippets feature will be available to all [Dating App Name] users on [Launch Date]. Users can simply update their profiles to include captivating videos that highlight their unique qualities and capture the attention of potential matches.

    [Dating App Name] invites users to be part of this exciting evolution in online dating, where connections are made on a deeper, more personal level. Discover the power of video snippets and experience a new dimension of meaningful connections with [Dating App Name].

    For more information, please visit [Website URL] or follow [Dating App Name] on [Social Media Handles].

Prompt: In preparation for our upcoming launch of "video snippets on user profiles" for our dating app, write a teaser on Instagram for this new feature. Limit your response to 100 words.

  • 🎥 Get ready to shine! ✨ Introducing video snippets on user profiles! 🎉 Show the world your personality in motion with captivating video snippets. 📽️ Share your hobbies, adventures, and unique moments to make a lasting impression. 🌟 Coming soon to our dating app, bringing your profile to life like never before! Stay tuned for more updates. 💖 #ComingSoon #VideoSnippets #DatingApp #FindMeaningfulConnections

Prompt: Which go to market strategies make sense for this feature? Which go to market strategies do not make sense for this feature?

  • Here are go-to-market strategies that make sense for the "Video Snippets" feature:

    Targeted Marketing Campaigns: Develop targeted marketing campaigns that highlight the unique benefits of the video snippets feature. Focus on reaching out to serious relationship seekers who value authenticity and enhanced connections. Leverage digital advertising, social media platforms, and content marketing to raise awareness and drive user engagement.

    User Education and Onboarding: Implement a comprehensive user education and onboarding process that familiarizes users with the video snippets feature. Provide tutorials, tips, and guidelines on how to create compelling videos, ensuring users understand the value and best practices. Offer a seamless onboarding experience that encourages users to adopt and utilize the feature from the start.

    Influencer and Partner Collaborations: Collaborate with influencers, dating experts, or established content creators who align with your target audience. Partner with them to showcase the benefits of the video snippets feature and leverage their reach and credibility to attract new users. Influencers can create engaging content and share their experiences with the feature, generating interest and encouraging adoption.

    A/B Testing and Iteration: Utilize A/B testing and data analysis to continuously refine and optimize the video snippets feature. Gather user feedback and iterate based on insights to improve user experience and address any usability or performance issues. This iterative approach allows you to align the feature with user needs and preferences over time.

    On the other hand, some go-to-market strategies may not make sense for this feature:

    Mass Marketing to All User Segments: Given the specific nature of the video snippets feature, a mass marketing approach targeting all user segments may not be the most effective strategy. Focusing on specific segments, such as serious relationship seekers or users who value visual expression, allows for more targeted messaging and better alignment with user needs.

    Exclusivity or Limited Availability: Introducing the video snippets feature as an exclusive or limited-access feature might limit adoption and hinder user engagement. It is important to make the feature accessible to a significant portion of your user base to maximize its potential impact.

    Ignoring User Feedback and Insights: Neglecting user feedback and failing to gather insights about user behavior and preferences can impede the success of the video snippets feature. Ignoring user input may result in missed opportunities for improvement and hinder the feature's ability to resonate with users.

    By implementing effective go-to-market strategies tailored to the unique characteristics of the video snippets feature, you can effectively promote its value, drive user adoption, and maximize its impact within the dating app ecosystem.

Action item: Analyze the proposed positioning. How would you tweak the positioning to better fit our customer segment? Which kinds of positioning might accidentally make users less likely to use your product?

We now have clarity on who our customers are, what their pains are, what a compelling product workflow might look like, and how to position it.

But, every product manager has to think like an investor. We have constrained bandwidth and resources, and we can’t build every feature all at once.

Our next step is to consider return on investment, where we maximize benefit for customers while also minimizing our costs. We need to identify how much to ship within our initial scope and determine how much effort it will take. And, we need to clearly identify the features that we will purposefully cut from our initial scope.

Return on investment

Prompt: Which business metrics would you measure to determine the success of our video snippets feature for user profiles on our dating app? Limit your response to only 3 metrics maximum.

  • To determine the success of the video snippets feature for user profiles on your dating app, here are three key metrics you can consider measuring:

    User Engagement: Measure the level of user engagement with the video snippets feature. This can include metrics such as the number of video uploads per user, the average duration of video views, and the frequency of interactions (likes, comments, or shares) on videos. Higher user engagement indicates that users are actively utilizing and enjoying the feature.

    Retention Rate: Monitor the retention rate of users who have adopted the video snippets feature. Analyze whether users who engage with the feature are more likely to continue using the app over time compared to those who don't use the feature. A higher retention rate among users who utilize video snippets suggests that the feature contributes to long-term user satisfaction and engagement.

    Conversion to Meaningful Connections: Assess the conversion rate of video interactions into meaningful connections, such as matches, conversations, or offline meetings. Measure the percentage of users who engage with videos and subsequently engage in meaningful interactions compared to those who rely solely on photos and text. A higher conversion rate indicates that the video snippets feature is effective in facilitating connections and fostering more meaningful relationships.

    These metrics provide insights into user adoption, engagement, and the impact of the video snippets feature on users' overall experience and success in finding connections. By tracking these metrics, you can gauge the effectiveness and value of the feature and make data-driven decisions for further improvements.

Prompt: How complex is this video feature to implement? Rate it on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "trivial" (it takes less than 1 day of work for 1 engineer) and 5 being "immense" (it takes more than a year for a team of 10 engineers).

  • On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being "trivial" and 5 being "immense," implementing the video feature for user profiles in a dating app would be rated around 3, which signifies a moderate level of complexity.

    Implementing video capabilities involves various aspects, including frontend and backend development, user interface design, video uploading and processing, storage management, privacy controls, and potential integration with existing features. These components can require a significant amount of development effort and coordination.

    The complexity can vary based on the specific requirements and functionalities of the video feature. For instance, if the feature includes video editing options, real-time video processing, or advanced moderation systems, the complexity level may increase. Additionally, ensuring a smooth user experience, seamless video playback, and compatibility across different devices and platforms can add to the complexity.

    While it may not require an extensive timeline of multiple years or a large team of engineers, implementing the video feature typically involves a substantial development effort, involving multiple engineers working collaboratively for several weeks or even a few months, depending on the scale and intricacies of the feature.

    It is important to conduct a thorough analysis of the project requirements, technical considerations, and allocate adequate resources to ensure successful implementation of the video feature within a reasonable timeframe.

Prompt: Identify three unintended negative consequences that might happen if this product is very successful.

  • While success is desirable, it's important to consider potential unintended negative consequences that may arise if the "Video Snippets" feature achieves significant success. Here are three potential unintended negative consequences to be mindful of:

    Increased Emphasis on Superficial Judgments: If the video snippets feature becomes extremely popular and influential, there is a risk of increased emphasis on superficial judgments based on appearance or presentation skills. Users may prioritize physical attractiveness or polished video content over other important factors such as compatibility, shared values, and personality traits. This may undermine the app's mission of fostering genuine connections based on deeper connections.

    Privacy and Security Risks: With increased adoption and usage of video snippets, there may be heightened privacy and security risks. Users may inadvertently share sensitive information or reveal personal details in their videos, potentially compromising their privacy and exposing them to risks such as identity theft, stalking, or harassment. Striking the right balance between user engagement and privacy protection becomes crucial to mitigate these risks.

    Overemphasis on Performative Content: A significant success of the video snippets feature may lead to a culture of performative content creation, where users feel pressured to create highly polished, curated, and even staged videos to stand out. This can create a sense of inauthenticity and erode the genuine connections the app aims to foster. Users may feel the need to conform to certain societal expectations or present an idealized version of themselves, which can hinder authentic connection-building.

    To mitigate these unintended negative consequences, it is crucial to maintain a strong focus on promoting authenticity, user privacy, and fostering genuine connections. Implementing robust content moderation mechanisms, providing clear guidelines and education on responsible video creation, and actively monitoring user behavior can help strike a balance between user engagement and a healthy dating environment. Continuously seeking user feedback and adapting the feature based on user preferences and needs can also help address any unintended negative consequences as they arise.

Action item: Using the responses above, finalize the scope of your product. How much benefit does each feature unlock, and which feature set is the most powerful to ship first?

As an example, we don’t really need to have integrations to TikTok to pipe in existing videos to Hinge. The benefit isn’t high, because many TikTok videos that users create are likely inappropriate for their dating profiles. And, the cost is non-trivial, because you have to build an integration to pull in their TikTok videos.

Once we’ve set our product scope, we need to measure how successful this product is, or else we won’t know the true ROI of our product. Consider whether the proposed metrics above make sense for proving that your feature is helping users, and identify whether there are better metrics that you could use instead.

We’ve now completed an analysis of a publicly available product that we didn’t personally build. By running through this exercise 3-5 more times, you’ll start to see patterns for the kinds of products that are most likely to succeed, as well as patterns for the kinds of products that are most likely to fail.

Accelerating product specs through generative AI

We can use the same prompts above to accelerate our own product specs. For your convenience, I’ve gathered these prompts for you to use below.

Product spec prompts

Customer segments

  • Which customer segments are most likely to use our product, and why?

  • Which customer segments are least likely to use our product, and why?


  • What processes do our customers currently use to address the problem that we want our product to solve, and why?

  • What kinds of pain points, problems, or frictions might they run into when they use their current methods, and why?


  • What are the most common competitors they use, and why?

  • We want to get a customer to switch away from a competitor and get them to use our product. How would we convince them to switch? Why do these things matter to them?


  • I have selected a specific customer pain to solve. I believe that my proposed feature can solve it. How much of this pain does the feature solve?

  • I’m interested in launching a specific feature. How easy or hard would this feature be for a current user to adopt? And, how easy or hard would this feature be for a new user to adopt?


  • Play devil's advocate. What are some reasons why my users may not want me to launch this feature?

  • Write an investment analyst report on our feature that identifies key weaknesses of our product that competitors might take advantage of.


  • Say we launched our feature. What is the most likely reaction from our current users & customers, and why?

  • How could we make this feature even more desirable for our users & customers?

  • Identify three ways in which this product might fail to gain traction with our users.


  • In preparation for our upcoming feature launch, write a press release.

  • In preparation for our upcoming feature launch, write a teaser on Instagram for this new feature. Limit your response to 100 words.

  • Which go to market strategies make sense for this feature? Which go to market strategies do not make sense for this feature?

Return on investment

  • Which business metrics would you measure to determine the success of our product? Limit your response to only 3 metrics maximum.

  • How complex is this feature to implement? Rate it on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "trivial" (it takes less than 1 day of work for 1 engineer) and 5 being "immense" (it takes more than a year for a team of 10 engineers).

  • Identify three unintended negative consequences that might happen if this product is very successful.

The point of these prompts is to break through blank page syndrome. Keep in mind that our goal is not to automate away our own critical thinking!

In fact, given the lightning-fast iteration times that you get from using generative AI, we strongly recommend that you ask generative AI to play devil’s advocate.

Devil’s advocate prompts

Probe each of your product assumptions and look for ways in which your hypotheses might be wrong. Here are some devil’s advocate prompts you can use:

  • How might our proposed feature cannibalize or hurt our other products & features?

  • If we launch this product, would our users feel that we’re distracted & losing focus on our core purpose, or would they feel that we’re making progress?

  • Pretend to be a competitor. How would you reap the same benefits for users, but in a faster and cheaper way?

  • Pretend to be our finance team. What are some good reasons for why they should cut our funding and reallocate this spend to other features or initiatives? 

  • Pretend to be an external consulting firm. What are some specific market trends that would significantly reduce the usefulness of our proposed product?

  • What kind of data & signals should I look for to decide that I should kill off this feature idea and invest in something else? 

You can easily see how using generative AI can help you rapidly improve your product sense, as it can raise blind spots that we may not be aware of! 

As a reminder, you shouldn’t use generative AI to write every word of your product spec. Instead, you should use it to test your assumptions and better flesh out your understanding of your own product, including both its strengths and weaknesses.

As an aside, if your organization is looking to uplevel its product spec processes, we provide group workshops for product teams.

Closing thoughts

We can hone product sense by analyzing other people’s products and by writing up our own product specs. Generative AI helps us build product sense significantly faster with significantly less effort.

If you’re not sure how to get started, here are some products to practice breaking down:

  • Google: Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Maps, Google Drive

  • Facebook: Messenger, Groups, Events, Stories

  • Microsoft: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive

  • Amazon: e-commerce recommendations, Amazon Prime, Alexa

Of course, running these product sense exercises in advance of any upcoming PM interviews will increase your chances of passing the PM interview and securing an offer. If you’d like more help with PM interviews, check out our on-demand course.

We hope this guide has provided you with clear guidance on how to successfully leverage generative AI to strengthen your product sense, as well as when not to use generative AI to make product decisions. We’re excited to see generative AI continue to unlock new potential!

And, on the topic of AI - when implementing & scaling AI products, don’t hesitate to leverage the above exercises as well. As a PM, you’ll want to tackle a discovery stage for your AI product, then validate your product, and finally scale its success. This AI implementation framework from our friends at Toptal contains valuable steps to build AI products in a way that aligns with your org’s product vision while maximizing the ROI that your teams can deliver.

Thank you to Pauli Bielewicz, Markus Seebauer, Juliet Chuang, and Kendra Ritterhern for making this guide possible.


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